Monday, May 23, 2011

Ten to the Second Power

I missed my 100th post. Since I have several drafts in the queue left as potential blog posts, my estimation of the 100th post was a little off. I still intend to mark the milestone with this little blurb:

Words are power and so is Silence. Silence charges the batteries of said words. Action provides for the implementation of said Power. Action speaks louder than words

First, I would like to express my gratitude to six very special bloggers. I have had the opportunity to be involved in rites, in some form or another, with each one of them. They have inspired me, encouraged me, and taught me. There are also bloggers I would like to thank that I have not yet had an opportunity to do magick with (hopefully one day), but have provided me with great friendship and fraternity. I would also like to thank several very magickal people. They are quiet and stay in the sidelines for the most part but are always in my mind and my heart. They do not need a load of words to impress me. Finally, I would like to thank my sincere readers. Although I only have 26 official followers, I know there are many more that follow my blog.

I thank these people because as a single working mom and magician, the opportunities to reach other people is typically few and far between. I have been lucky in that regard. I get misty eyed when I realized how quickly and how many people were willing to provide me support, kindness.... and Love. Actions that are indeed louder than words. As I have said in a previous post: I may not be able to see in the darkness but I can sense who is there at my side.

This weekend I intend to do a rite asking for blessings for those I thanked here


HilbertAstronaut said...

Your blog is awesome!!!

I hope some day to get to do magick with you. I'll need a lot more practice first, though!

PhoenixAngel said...

Yes, Frater HilbertAstronaut. I would jump at the opportunity to do a rite with you too. As for practice, I dont think that would be too much of an issue. Blessings to you :)