Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Point, The Line and the Curve

Kether, the point
Chokmah, the line
Binah, the curve

In my attempt to relate to the Qabalah in my own terms, mathematics and engineering. I am using this method because I need to relate to what I learn. I have the memory for rote but it makes more sense to me in a context.

Kether is a point, the universe is made of multiple points. Without the point, one cannot have a line or a curve or a shape. Its a scalar quantity but there are infinite scalar quantities, one to infinity.

Chokmah is the line. On the curve, the position of a point can be defined by the equation of a line. A line determines the slope of the curve, whether rising or falling or simply unchanging. A line provides for the beginnings of understanding the form of a shape.

Binah is the curve the provides the shape to a path. Its the map for a shape.

Still working on these ideas but I think I got a good start...


Rufus Opus said...

Don't forget the Plane.

HilbertAstronaut said...

So Binah is a Frenet (aka TNB) frame? I knew vector calc would come in handy ;-)

HilbertAstronaut said...

btw, I'd never heard the Supernals explained in this way before -- keep up the awesome :-) I particularly like these mathy explanations more than the typical ones. With those, it's disappointing to cross the Abyss and find on the other side just a replica of the same sexual-political world one was trying to escape. Perhaps it's the neoplatonist in me, but I really want to find something qualitatively different on the Other Side. It's flattering to think that mathematics will help there :-)

PhoenixAngel said...

@RO: The plane is next. Still trying to figure it out in my own terms and how it relates to the qabalah.

PhoenixAngel said...

@HilbertAstronaut: I hope I will not disappoint you in my mathematical explanations, given your area of expertise. I find the math and science to be a comforting blanket. (Note, the subjective analogy but hopefully I can find the mathematical equivalent to the blanket analogy). My hopes are that I can find the mathematical explanations and I can share them here. Afterall, isnt math a universal language?

HilbertAstronaut said...

Math is certainly a universal language :-) You're definitely not disappointing me -- the opposite, in fact! Please keep up the good writing! :-)

The problem i have with hermetic qabalah is that its explanations seem to be limited to sexual or political analogies. I find them limiting sometimes because they result in broken symmetries. (Hod and Netzach are the two examples that come to mind: their gender structures are not at all opposites or mirror images.) The gender analogy system seems to demand interpretation via polarity, whereas the mathematical analogies don't require this. So I really appreciate your work interpreting these images in a mathematical and engineering light :-)